Member Introduction
Prof. Li, Rong-Gang
Professor Li, with PhD in TCM, is a disciple of Dr. Liu Zhi Ming. He is the inventor of UTCMH acupuncture treatment system and the author of "UTCMH Science of Acupuncture“. Dr. Li is also the founder of Home of Canadian TCM Society with mission to advocate TCM in the local communities and to build a solid foundation for the TCM industries in BC, Canada. He is praised as one of the forerunners relentlessly advocating Traditional Chinese Medicine to BC local communities.
Contributions in TCM research and teaching
In his nearly thirty years of teaching, scientific research and clinical practice, Professor Li accumulated a wealth of TCM knowledge. He taught in several different internationally acclaimed Traditional Chinese Medicine colleges, training the next generation of TCM doctors and acupuncturists. . During his early teaching days, he noticed the need for well-translated TCM textbooks written in English for non-Mandarin speaking students. Thus, he authored a series of TCM textbook in English, such as "Acupoints", "Acupuncture Therapeutics", "Acupuncture and Moxibustion Law", "Acupuncture and Moxibustion Medical Record Discussion", "Acupuncture Safety" and others. His former students, across the global, all had positive influences in educating and promoting Traditional Chinese Medicine in their local communities.
Invention of UTCMH Acupuncture treatment system
Professor Li was not only proficient in classical acupuncture techniques that considered by many as lost art, he also, from the TCM diagnosis to acupuncture methodology, using references from the TCM classics such as “Huangdi Neijing”, "Nanjing", "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", "Acupuncture and Moxibustion“, developed a new paradigm of high efficacy acupuncture treatment system, named UTCMH acupuncture treatment system. He published the book “UTCMH Science of Acupuncture" documenting the complete treatment framework, including “UTCMH Study of Clinical TCM Diagnosis”, “UTCMH Study of Acupuncture Points”, “UTCMH Study of Acupuncture Prescriptions”, and “UTCMH Study of Clinical Acupuncture Treatment Strategies“, etc…. Professor Li defined new standards for TCM diagnosis, acupoint selections, needling techniques, and acupoint prescriptions. He formulated clinical operating standards and norms for nine of the most common sub-health groups. This newly developed treatment system was highly effective for treatment in internal medicine, gynecology, dermatology, ENT, cancer and intractable diseases. Focusing on stimulating the body’s immune system response and changing the body’s internal environment holistically, Professor Li’s new acupuncture treatment system also had remarkable results in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of various chronic diseases, geriatric diseases and their sequelae, achieving fundamentals of TCM principles to treat both the patient’s body holistically and the disease itself.
The strength of UTCMH Acupuncture System is most noticeable in the treatment of Internal Medicine, Gynecology, Dermatology, Five Sense organs, Oncology diseases. The system can stimulate the body immune system and strengthen the body against chronic, geriatric, or post syndrome symptoms. It is a holistic treatment system that considered both mind and body, practical in the clinical settings.
Professor Li taught his treatment system worldwide, attracting students around the globe. Professor Li established and standardized his acupuncture treatment system, making it highly operable with reproducible results, meeting the need for high efficacy treatment in clinical practice. The UTCMH acupuncture treatment methodology opened up the treatment scope beyond the common conception for acupuncture. Tens of thousands of patients benefited from this treatment system. From 2017 to 2020, dozens of training classes and seminars were taught in Canada, China and other parts of the world.
Contributions and Social commitments
Professor Li was a TCM activist, passionately planning or sponsoring several large-scale TCM internationalization promotion events. In 2017, he successfully hosted four high calibre international conferences and forums themed at promotion of Traditional Chinese Medicine for health and wellness. He also built a team of volunteers, relentlessly advocating for development of TCM industries in BC, Canada. Professor Li founded the non-profit TCM organization “Home of Canadian TCM Society” with the mandate of selfless dedication, professionalism, public welfare-focused, charity, and knowledge inheritance. The large-scale Chinese medicine community activities he sponsored include the BC’s very own TCM Chinese New Year Gala, the largest Chinese and Western medicine free clinic in Vancouver’s history, and the free clinic for BC Translink employees. Concurrently, he also participated in China’s "Beijing Fair“, "Traditional Medicine Forum" and other economic, trade and public welfare activities to share the BC experience with other TCM communities in China. Due to his outstanding contribution, on February 18, 2020, the BC Provincial Legislature praised the contributions from Professor Li and his team from Home of Canadian TCM Society. The acknowledgement was a vary rare and honorable moment in the history chapter of International TCM development.
(二) 更新理念推动中医药国际化
1. 以针推药
2. 建立强大的中医药针灸义工团队,彰显业界艺德双馨的国际化形象
多年来,着力培养一支医术过硬、医德高尚的义工团队,以宣传推广中医优良传统文化和中医针灸的仁德理念,宣扬中医的“以人为本,天人合一”、 “医乃仁术” 、“治未病””等传统文化精华,彰显了整个中医业界艺德双馨的国际化形象,并大力把这种中医药针灸文化和良好形象推广到到主流社会,让各族裔认识和接受。
3. 开拓中西医结合思路,打造大健康养生新理念
2022年4月14日,由BC省西医教育协会Minoru Medical Education Society?主办的BC省西医再教育培训活动在温哥华隆重举行,天一针法创始人、加拿大中医之家创始人、世界中医药针灸文化周组委会主席李荣刚教授作为主讲嘉宾受邀出席了本次再教育培训活动。本次培训旨在向西医医生培训与新冠疫情相关的中医药针灸知识,以加强中西医合作共同应对新冠疫情。作题为《中医针灸/天一针法防治肺系疾病及治疗新冠后遗症》的培训授课。
(三) 选择适宜于海外的中医针灸技术进行传承
(四) 营造大环境,培育市场,建立BC省大健康旅游中医药服务保障平台,为海外中医传承奠定基础
改革开放四十年来,中国政府为实现国家繁荣富强,人民幸福安康的目标作出了巨大努力。随着国家经济水平的平稳增长以及人民群众生 活水平的不断提高,特别是开放国门的大好政策,让普通百姓也有了出国旅游的机会,中国人境外旅游的人数及消费水准逐年递增。,2017年度中国公民出境旅游人数1.31亿人次,旅游花费1152.9亿美元,保持世界第一大出境旅游客源国地位。国家《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》中指出,要充分发挥中医药独特优势,发展中医药健康服务,推动中医药走向世界。国务院《中医药发展战略规划纲要(2016—2030年)》提出,要积极推动中医药海外发展,发挥中医药社会组织的作用,把中医药打造成中外人文交流、民心相通的亮丽名片。温哥华是举世闻名的旅游胜地,2018年有400万乘客来往落地温哥华国际机场。中国到温哥华旅游者突破22万。旅游政策和各种设施都很健全完善。因此在BC省建成中国人海外旅游中西医药服务体系,同时为中资企业驻海外机构和驻外使馆人员提供中医服务,并进一步做好医疗咨询和诊疗转介等医疗保障服务意义重大。
(一) 向BC 省长进言,将中医药纳入医疗保险
2018年9月23日, BC省省长贺瑾率省贸易厅长周炯华省府秘书长康安礼亲临列治文市考察。加拿大中医之家创始人李荣刚教授受邀出席活动,在和贺瑾省长见面时李荣刚教授建言省府应尽快把中医药纳入BC省医疗保健系统,贺瑾省长表示将大力推动中医药在BC省的发展,李荣刚教授就中医药行业在该省及全国发展,和加中两国及BC省与中国各省间的交流,特别是在保险业,科技研发,康养基地,教育和商贸等合作框架及前景进行了详细汇报,贺瑾省长表示很感兴趣,在认真考虑后将深入调查研究,加强两国各地政府和民间合作,共同推动其发展,为民众健康服务,以此推动BC省政治经济增长。
(二) 和华联会成立了专门组织,任主任委员
加拿大华人联合总会(华联会)是加拿大最大华人社团组织,拥有两百多家下属会员单位及三万多名会员。为推动中医针灸更快更好进入社区,为更多民众提供优质的医疗服务,2020年8月22日华联会和加拿大中医之家共同组建了加拿大华人联合总会医学发展暨社区医疗服务专业委员会,并由李荣刚教授担任主任委员,此机构的建立标志着加拿大中医之家服务业界及社区迈上了一个新台阶。 该机构的主要职责是:
(三) 在“一带一路”沿线国家推广中医
2018年9月7日,李教授参加第十届世界养生大会康养大会暨2018中医养生国际论坛。开幕式上,来自中国政府直属机关的主管领导,山 西当地领导,中国科学院院士,工程院院士,知名大学校长,博导,中医药专家,和世界各地的著名中医药师,医药研发人员和企业老总等400余人参加,特别是来自西班牙,乌干达等9个国家的大使和文化参赞的到来和讲话,让该会议国际化层次更高。李荣刚教授以《中医针灸,见证神奇》为主题,在该论坛上作了专题讲座,受到了与会专家学者们的欢迎。因为专家和大使们的见证和推崇,李荣刚教授还受邀现场表演,并为9国大使及参赞们实地针灸,布隆迪大使因为提前离开而没来得及试验,他特地请求到北京的布隆迪大使馆进行针灸,还让自己的妻子体验,大使的背部紧疼,妻子的腿部因为车祸旧伤,当场都有缓解效果,他们夫妇深深感谢,并希望把李教授的神奇针法推广到非洲去,惠及非洲病患者。
(四) 充当中、加友谊的使者,被誉为“当代白求恩”
1. 担任中国国家中医药管理局加拿大事务联络代表
2. 举办春晚活动,提升中医业界社会形象
3. 组织策划“当代白求恩”云南之旅
(五) 落实多项举措帮助预防和抗击新冠肺炎疫情扩散
Awards received
On January 28, 2023, The 2022 World Integrative Medicine awarded Professor Li the top ten academic leader award.
On January 4, 2020, the Canadian Chinese Federation awarded Professor Li the "2019 Community Contribution Award“.
In 2019 "China Health Forum", Professor Li was awarded the honorary title of "2019 Healthy China Outstanding Public Welfare Individual Award".